Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Good Day's Work - Writing That Is!!!

Saturday afternoon - its been a beautiful day weather wise (won't talk about what's in the forecast for tomorrow.....grrrr!)

I have spent the day with Pam, at her home. Arrived about 9 this morning, and we spent most of the next 6 hours discussing Madelaine and Body Perfect. (The scones were great!) We've recently decided on a major change in Madelaine's family background, and this is going to lead to a lot of re-writing, starting from Chapter 9 and right through the subsequent chapters already written. So a lot of re-reading and revising ahead before the story can move much further. Guess who will be tackling this lovely chore - yours truly!

For those of you who have been keeping up with reading Madelaine, the story line on her father has now been changed dramatically - its been moved from the WW II era to more modern times, circa 1973.

The gist of the revelation remains the same, just settings and details have been changed to bring the story line into more current times.

It was good to have so much uninterrupted time to be able to discuss our writing, and where we are heading as we decide how to bring them to a close. I hope Pam found it as beneficial as I have! We did have one or two good laughs as well - sometimes the creativity juices go pretty berserk and totally off the wall!

Well, I suppose its time to dig in for the changes in Madelaine...perhaps a pot of tea and something to eat while doing so would be appropriate.

Oh - the weather for tomorrow? Rain/freezing rain most of the day in this region. Of course predictions have turned to naught before, it will remain to be seen.


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