October 4, 2021
Launching a new book is always an exciting time for the author. I believe we started writing
Grant's Crossing - Death on the Alder in 2008 and it was duly delegated to a drawer while we concentrated on
The Dorothy Dennehy Mysteries. We usually have two books in the works at a time.
When we started our writing career in 2007 this could be a problem, especially for me. The protagonist's name in one book often showed up in the other. Face-to-face meetings to read our work out loud helped us solve the name crossover problem. To this day one of the aspects of our writing partnership is the reading aloud of our work. Not that we catch every little glitch, but it's truly beneficial.
Our most asked questions are... "How do you work together? How can you plot a story with two of you?"
Well, it's not always easy but we wouldn't have it any other way. We live in different cities so working online is the way to go for the most part. We use Zoom or Google meetings but that is not always adequate. Plotting and planning, with a good brainstorming day, set us up until we get together again.
We each have our strengths and weaknesses. I won't get into our weaknesses. Liz is a tech guru, thank goodness, as I am... shall we say, a hit and peck kinda typist and the computer is not always my friend.
My background was in sales and marketing so that's my job. Due to the climate in publishing and the restrictions with the Pandemic we are now indie published.
Friday, October 1st saw the release of Death on the Alder in paperback - the first in our new series Grant's Crossing. This book, and sequels, take place in Canada so they have a different flavour than the Dorothy Dennehy Mysteries. No launch party, or signing our latest contribution to the writing and reading world.
If you have purchased this book on Amazon, we'd love to send you a signed bookplate to put in your copy. Please let us know - jamietremainJT@yahoo.com - and we will be happy to mail you one, along with a bookmark.
A signed bookplate for your book copy! |
Perhaps by the time Grant's Crossing - Resort to Murder, the second in the series, is published we can have an in-person event. We love connecting with our readers and would love to hear from you with a book review if you are so inclined.
Fall is here and the nights are darker already. It's good writing weather so says, Liz! I prefer sunshine while sitting in my office, while if it is a good rainfall she is happy. It's only our hairstyles that are the same! No, we don't go to the same hairdresser.
Liz is coming for the day on Wednesday so I'd better clean up my computer. How do I go about that?
Stay safe and well. Happy reading.
All our books are available on Amazon, as well as e-format on Kobo, Apple Books, etc.