Friday, March 8, 2013

March Break and Migration

Although the snow is still on the ground it feels like spring. Robin’s have been spied, and shoots of green are pushing up through the snow.  The Canada geese appear confused as hundreds of them are in Chevron formation as they decide which direction to go readying for the big migration. I love the sound of hundreds of geese honking.

Not all the geese leave on migration and many stay behind to flood our park and green space as they search for food. Guess what they leave behind?  Canadians have a love/hate relationship with these magnificent birds, but I think its Canada at its finest.

This w/e is the start of the March break for my grandchildren. I have been talked into maybe going BOWLING!! And then there is lunch at Mc Donald’s etc. I think I would rather chew glass than bowl but at least the coffee is not too bad at Micky D’s. Yes, I know some of the lingo and it is their break from school so grandma will go along with it.

Next w/e we’ve been invited to Kincardine on Lake Huron for a spot of snowmobiling.  If the snow has melted the men in the party will go to a hockey game. My husband is taking his pool cue hoping he can fit in a game. That’s the boys taken care of so my friend and I will shop until we drop (mainly yarn stores as we are avid knitters) and every book store we can find on the Lake Huron coastline. Just being away in a lovely farmhouse with good friends should set me up for spring. The three hour drive there and back gives me ample time to scribble notes on a short story or the next manuscript we have tentatively started.

I’ve finished an interview with ‘Funny Girl’ Melodie Campbell. I’ll be posting this creative and funny lady’s answers to my questions on March 25th. The last week of each month I hope to have an interesting and informative interview from Canada’s many great crime writers.

A date for a collaboration day with Liz is in the works at the beginning of April. I enjoy the face to face and we need to button down a few things that only a meeting can do.
Enjoy the March break all you mummy’s and daddy’s as the wee ones grow up very fast.

Talk soon,

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