Sunday, September 25, 2011
.....But make time to read this one!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
So many books...
So many books to read and not enough time. Tuesday evening saw me at the library for an event that was just my style.
“An Evening for Book Lovers”. This event was facilitated by the librarians from different libraries. They introduced eighteen books that they recommended for either personal enjoyment or book clubs. There are quite a few book clubs in Oakville. Of the eighteen books I would read at least ten of them. But when would I get any writing done. I am half way through the third book in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy. Good stuff.
Wednesday evening I am attending Sheridan College from7-10pm and I have loads of homework. Super teacher and I enjoy her style. I have a book review due November and the book I have picked is by Vicki Delaney. GOLD FEVER. Really enjoyed it so must read it again to get all the details for my review.
Journaling and writing 5-10 pages every week for reading to the class is also on my agenda this week.
Liz has solved all her computer issues and is taking a well deserved girls weekend vacation. We are planning in October to try and meet weekly. At least that is my plan and I am waiting to see if Liz agrees. We need the time to move things along a little quicker. Easy for me to say when I don’t get up at the godforsaken time of 4.30am that Liz is wont to do!!! I am not sure who her psychiatrist is!!
Tomorrow I wanted to attend the Toronto “Word on the Street” festival that is held on this w/e every September at Queen’s Park. I have poured over the schedule in the newspaper and see dozens of booths I would like to attend but I can’t make it this year. I will just have to get my homework done instead.... Linwood Barclay will be there and Vicki Delaney and loads of super writers I want to listen to.
Ok ,I have stopped whining.
Talk soon,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Technical Problems are Temporary - Please Stand By
Well, things didn't go exactly as planned. Instead of sending printing electronically to Staples, I had to physically visit Staples and buy a new PC! The dreaded blue screen of death finally became permanent yesterday.
So now I am adjusting to a new computer - Windows 7 - and keyboard (not sure I'm in love with the keyboard, too reminiscent of a laptop keyboard and I'm not a fan of those. And now I am attempting to get my Office Suite 2007 re-installed, but having some problems there as well.
And, oh...just to make it even more fun, the flash drive where I keep ALL of my writing, plus other important documents, won't register on this new computer. Ask me how panicky that makes me feel!
I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve to try before I end up having to upgrade to Office 2010 just to get back in business. Fortunately, I store very little on my actual computer, aside from some computer games, so I should be able to restore things, IF my plans work out!
Enjoyed a much too brief coffee break with Pam today; she stopped by work this morning. Attending a writing class and actively networking are agreeing with her! More excitement in her step and I dare say she looks as if a few years have disappeared! Have to admit she did pale considerable when I had to 'fess up about the problems with the flash drive!
So stay tuned for updates and I'll do my best to be back in business as soon as possible!
Monday, September 19, 2011
The cart before the horse!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Productivity of a different kind!
We both had our hard copies of changes all ready to compare and change and I must admit Liz had been more observant that I. Once we leave our ego's at the door we have no problem telling each other that we don't like a particular word or sentence. All in all a fine day. We have decided to keep going with this but it will most likely be online as it gets really difficult getting together. We will start this week and see how it works out.
The synopsis is coming along but slowly and my list of agents is a work in progress. Need much more research.
I have been following Louise Penny's blog covering her book tour. Her new book that I posted here last week (A Trick of the Light) has made the New York Times best seller list at #4 and the Canadian Globe and Mail's list at #7. Congratulations Louise. We are all so proud of you.
Weather still warm for September. Long may it last.
Talk soon,
Half Way There!
Monday, September 5, 2011
The rose of all the world....
The rose of all the world is not for me.
I want for my part
Only the little white rose of Scotland
That smells sharp and sweet -- and breaks the heart.
-- Hugh MacDiarmid, "The Little White Rose"
I am not in favour of MacDiarmid’s politics as he was a communist and maybe a Nazi sympathizer, but he did have a great love for Scotland.
I must make a concerted effort to read more poetry.. My father, Alister James was a poet but none of his talents in that field rubbed off on me. He wrote mainly in Scottish vernacular or the Doric .His subject was the family and life as he saw it.
My sister Caroline Mackie did a wonderful job of putting all his work in a website for what would have been his hundredth birthday earlier this year. Check it out for a good explanation of the Scottish lingo.
Liz and I have been ploughing through our manuscript and I stayed up late last night to finish my corrections and revisions. When we get together on Saturday we can finalize our corrections.
I am halfway through the synopsis and have changed the wording at least ten times. It was explained to me today by Melodie Campbell.( author, humorist, instructor and professional speaker) over a cup of coffee that synopsis writing is a bit like writing a short story. Check out her website and new book.” Rowena through the Wall”
Cooler weather and a hint of fall. Love this time of year.
Talk soon,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Week's End
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Making plans
In the preceding month I had agonized about whether I had made a mistake about retiring. I missed the usual routine of going to work every day and being with my friends and colleagues. It was great to see them and catch up but when I left, and I could leave, the pressure was off. What I think I need to do is add more structure to my day.
Driving home, and not in traffic for a change I decided to go to the library. I have not been to the library for many years so I applied for a new card and walked around and admired the changes. This library is very up to date with all kind of events going on. Book clubs and seminars are scheduled in the evenings. Many computers to use for those that don’t have the use of one at home and an area for using a laptop. As well as books you can borrow e-readers and cd’s. I have decided to go three days a week with my trusty laptop and work in relative peace and quiet with no interruptions. I will let you know of my progress there.
Tonight I have started the final polishing of Body Perfect. Liz and I will each correct and make notes on a manuscript and then when we meet on the 10th we can make the changes we need. When I am not doing the revisions I will be working on the hated synopsis. I have done a load of reading lately on how best to tackle writing a 300 page book into a 2 page synopsis that is going to knock the socks off an agent. Wish me luck.
We are now into my favourite time of year and the weather is just fine. Still rather warm but autumn is not far away. Others have not been so fortunate. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, flooding and tropical storms have been raging in many parts of the country. I rather enjoy watching weather but it is best from the safety of my living room on television.
New season, new way of spending my days, doing something I love. Now Liz needs to retire as well so that we can rattle these books out faster. Must be nice to be so young!
Talk soon,
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