Merry Christmas to All
Well its nearly upon us once again – Christmas! I always find this time of year to be a time of reflection and remembering. A time to be thankful for abundant blessings and to be more aware of those who are struggling.
Growing up as a child I recall that my father became very melancholy at Christmas time and with a child’s eyes couldn’t understand the sadness, and at times anger, he displayed. Now with the passing of time I begin to see. As adults we too often have lost the innocence of those childhood Christmases, and if they were happy, joyful times with family and traditions, the passing years make us aware that we can never really re-create those times. Over time we lose family members and friends and only have memories to draw upon at times. If we are truly blessed and fortunate, we have created our own traditions with our own family and friends. So while we will always have the past as part of us, we do live in the present and need to make the most of it.
Pam is enjoying a much needed and well deserved small break before Christmas. I wish her and her family all the Best for a Merry Christmas, and for both of us I wish us a great year in 2009 – where we will see “Madelaine” being discovered and much sought after! Hey…if you don’t dream big how do you know it won’t happen?
Mark Twain once said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
We are both anxious to get back in the writing mode and I’m doing my best to get organized so that we can finish up the final draft.
A new photo will be here soon, recently taken at our Christmas lunch held last week at work. We are practicing for book jacket photos don't you know? :-)
So from both Pam and I – Merry Christmas and Slainte (meaning Health or Cheers from Pam’s Scottish background).
Cheers and be safe this Christmas Season!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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