Friday, April 4, 2008

Just like a Marathon

I have been writing since 5.30pm and it is now 10.03. I walked a couple of half Marathons a few years ago and this feels similar. I should really be in training for this novel writing as it does take a lot out of you but when you finish what you started that day( just like the marathon) you feel great.
Tonight I was working on Body Perfect. Chapter 19 and managed 6 pages or about 1200 words.

I am not so lyrical as my partner and I was not inspired by anything I had seen on Television but I know what she means by one little thing triggering a thought that will get you started on a story.
Much of my thinking time is in the car or doing everyday mundane things. Stories or plots are always running in my head so now Liz and I both have small recorders to capture our best thoughts and ideas for stories. I am not sure about Liz but this is invaluable to me as I have a mind like a sieve and thoughts can disappear in the blink of an eye.

So now Mrs Lindsay the ball or the stories are both in your court (no pressure) and I look forward to seeing where you will take these (I am sure) Blockbusters.

Weather is changing for the good and the w/e is to be in the double digit so enjoy the fine weather and we will speak soon.


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