Friday, September 30, 2022

Blog-Letter October 2022

 October 1 2022


This month there's an update from Pam, something about cats, October dates and more.


"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."  - Neil Gaiman

Sometimes it seems as if 2022 has only just started and yet, here we are, weeks away from saying farewell to another year!

Autumn in Ontario, as in other parts of the world, can produce spectacular displays of colour. Fall fairs, Thanksgiving and Halloween are among the most common happenings in October. If you dare to peek ahead to what the almanac predicts for long-range weather in Ontario, have a look-see here.

Jamie Tremain prefers to let you know of other, less well-known, special (or even wacky) days. And we know of at least one fan who will be pleased to know her favourite beverage has its own day.

October 1 - International Coffee Day  Celebrating one of the world's favourite hot beverage. Coffee, java, cup of Joe - billions around the world enjoy billions of cups every day!

October 5 - Do Something Nice Day. Shouldn't this be every day? 

October 9 - Moldy Cheese Day -  You know its gouda for you.

October 13 - International Skeptics Day - Are you sure?

October 29 - Hermit Day - Likely a solitary day of observance.


From Pam:

October is a fine month for me. Cooler temperatures and lots of colour abound. The change in seasons is one I relish and can't imagine being in constant heat and sunshine.

I've been missing in action on the writing front as I had a fall and broke my wrist, adding to a bunch of other lovely ailments. My bruising has gone and I'm walking much better. The @#$% cast has now come off - Hallelujah!

Jamie Tremain was in good hands with my trusty collaborator, Liz, whom I'm indebted to for holding the fort. Although we spoke most days I doubt I made much sense for the first weeks with a couple of painkillers helping me cope. Friends and family came to the rescue and I was well fed and looked after. I'm grateful for the attention.

As I needed 24-hour care for the first two weeks, I had PSW's coming and going. That was so interesting as I had a regular United Nations looking after me. I spent the evening hours chatting with women from every corner of the world. It was such an education to learn of Palestine, Nigeria, Ghana, Guyana, Syria, Italy, Poland, Philippines, India, Somalia, and my native Scotland. As the saying goes - everyone has a story. I was privileged to hear many of them. I might even become blase about having a shower in front of someone I've never set eyes upon before. I said might!

So in the coming weeks I hope to be back to my old self. I've saved a fortune not driving but can't wait to be back behind the wheel. Liz will be cracking the whip again so better get my thinking cap on. A good brainstorm is needed about book #4 in the Dorothy Dennehy Mystery series.

I'm off to look for my Halloween broomstick.



From Liz:

Saying goodbye.

If you’re a pet lover you’ll understand. We've had a lovely cat sharing our home for the past few years. Minnie was born a feral cat almost 20 years ago, had multiple litters of kittens, fended off foxes and who knows what else but always welcomed human contact. I’ve known her since she was a couple of months old (along with her sister Trix who died a few years ago, but had also been in our care) and spent many Saturdays, with one or two animal loving friends, taking food to her and the small colony of feral cats she was part of, year round. Over the years, four of those cats were brought "inside" and well cared-for.  

 I’m glad the last few years of her life were spent safely indoors.


Trix  and  sister, Minnie


Well as time does to both human and fur-baby, her life came to a close this past month. She’d been ailing for a while and I must admit to turning a blind eye to obvious signs. But as we all know, eventually, you can’t ignore it any longer and know that as much as it hurts when quality of life has gone, it’s not fair to prolong the inevitable.  We had an amazing vet come to our home - full of understanding and compassion and I can rest easy knowing her physical journey has come to a peaceful end.



Jamie Tremain will be at Guelph's Book Bash

Sunday November 6 - Guelph Farmers' Market




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