We’re delighted to have as our guest
today the irrepressible Melodie Campbell.
Melodie can always make us laugh so sit back and enjoy hearing from
Ontario’s answer to Lucille Ball.
Pam: Writers are a multi-faceted group with their
finger in every pie.
What’s your favourite pie? Writing novels, college
instructor, housework, walking the dog, stand up comedian or the (top staff
thingy) you do for Crime Writers Canada?
Melodie: Meeting the imaginary men who appear in my novels. (What
– that wasn’t a choice?) I like writing
novels. No, that’s a lie. I like having the novel written. The process is darn
hard work.
But mainly, I
love writing comedy. It’s my default, always. For instance, today I was feeling
rather delinquent. You know that feeling you got in high school, when you were
so antsy, you couldn’t settle to anything? That’s the way I was this morning,
so naturally I wrote a comedy column.
Pam: ‘Social Media’? Is it helpful or a hindrance
to writers, and is a platform really necessary to sell a book?
Melodie: It’s absolutely essential, whether we like it or not. All
publishers want you to be hooked up with websites, blogs, Facebook and twitter,
and often write it into your contract. The 90s are over, alas. I miss them. Now
authors are expected to do a lot of marketing, and social media allows you to
do that with little to no cost.
Look at it
this way. If you get with a traditional publisher, your book might be in Chapters
for two months. If you’re selling well, maybe six. (I’ve been there six and am
biting my fingernails now.) So how will you sell books when you novel is off
the shelves?
Amazon and the
other online sellers allow our books a much longer lifetime. By promoting on
social media, we can reach a large audience that buys books that way.
Pam: With the changes in the publishing world
today many writers have added their books to the eBook format. Do you believe
the e book business will take over traditional books or is there room for both?
Melodie: Room for both. All my books are both print and ebook. Personally, I love the feel of a real book in my hand. I love the scent of the glue (you’ll delete that, right?) I’m very tactile. I guess that is evident from my Rowena series (say no more, say no more.) But I am grateful for ebooks because they allow my work to be read by a much larger audience. The price difference
is substantial. If given a choice, I will always pick a real book. I decorate
with books. They are in every room in my house.
Pam: I have only one question about this book. Do
they have a contract out on you yet?
(Ellery Queen Magazine review)
comic caper is just right for Janet Evanovich fans. Wacky family
connections and snappy dialog make it impossible not to
laugh." Library Journal review of The Goddaughter
No need. They already know me well. My family is
Sicilian. I had to wait for some of them to die before I could write this
Pam: Joking
aside, it’s a very funny book and I’m looking forward to reading the sequel “The Goddaughter’s Revenge” when it’s
published in the fall. What comedian do you most admire?
Melodie: So many. Of the old masters: Lucille Ball, Phyllis Diller.
Women who were willing to make fools of themselves in public to get a laugh – I
can so relate to them. These women paved the way for my generation.
Dave Barry, Erma Bombeck
Of the fiction
writers: Janet Evanovich, Lisa Lutz, Douglas Adams.
Let me
explain: We moved a lot when I was young. I was in four different high schools.
Being a smart-mouth was the way I coped. I found that being the class clown got
you liked. So it was really a means of self-preservation.
Even as a pre-teen, I always
looked for the funny. I listened to what others would say to see if I could
find a way to make a good-natured joke out of it. Never
sarcasm. Sarcasm hurts. I went for self-deprecating humour mostly. People love
to laugh with you.
Pam: Melodie, your dog is called Frankenpoodle.
You have written of his exploits on FB; how he would like to play with a coyote
on the other side of the fence in your backyard etc. How did he come by his
name and does he have a death wish?
This is a dog that wouldn’t stop growing. Standard
poodles must be at least 15 inches at the shoulder. Frankenpoodle is double that. Obviously, if Dr. Frankenstein were creating a poodle, this is what he would have come up with. We call him a giraffe in a dog suit. Other people have asked if he was crossed with a great dane. A dog this big is rather intimidating. Luckily, he’s a gentle giant with really big teeth.
Pam: “A Purse to Die For” (Imajin books) was
co-authored with Cynthia St-Pierre. Tell us about that experience. Do you mind sharing
control of your work and will you collaborate again?
Melodie: Yes
and Yes. I don’t think I could share my other two series, Rowena
and Goddaughter. They are vehicles for my comedy. But Cindy and I came up with the Fashionation series together, and developed the characters together.
We wrote sequentially. It was great fun seeing what Cindy would
come up with, and then figuring out how I could carry it on. Then we had the
hard work of making it seamless. But we’re starting another novel, with the
working title of A Killer Necklace. So it was a good experience we want to
Pam: Your time travel book “Rowena Through the Wall” is a romantic
comedy. It has been so well received you’ve written a sequel “Rowena and the Dark Lord” to be released
in April. What gives you the most
pleasure to write? Time travel or comedy/farce, by yourself or with a
Melodie: All of it. Anything that has comedy in it. Oh, and
sex. Did I say that out loud?
Pam: You have been teaching writing for many
years. What is the most important lesson for aspiring authors to learn?
That writing is hard work. I can’t emphasize it
enough. We all think it should be easier. But it can’t be easy to create
something new that the world has never seen before.
I tell my students to expect this to feel like work. And maybe
on some days, it won’t seem like work. Those are the grand days.
With two books coming out
this year, your work with Crime Writers of Canada, teaching and other projects,
what do you do for Melodie when you find some time?
Melodie: I
like eating. And drinking coffee. And Viking Warlords.
No, seriously. The most fun of all is meeting with other
writers. They are the most interesting people in the world because they are
always using their minds.
Thanks Melodie. We‘ve enjoyed
speaking with you today. As you are my neighbor in Oakville I’d appreciate a
heads up on the coyote situation. Anytime Frankenpoodle has his sights on one
I’d like to know about it!
Good luck with your books and come again soon.
Pam and Liz
Melodie Campbell
experienced a personal best this year when Library
Digest compared her to Janet Evanovich.
Melodie got her start
writing comedy (stand-up and columns.)
In1999, she opened the Canadian Humour Conference. She has over 200 publications including 100
comedy credits, 40 short stories and 4 novels. Her fifth novel, a mob caper
entitled The Goddaughter’s Revenge
(Orca Books), will be released Oct. 1. She has won 6 awards for fiction, and
was a finalist for both the 2012 Derringer and Arthur Ellis Awards. By day, she
is the highly proper Executive Director of Crime Writers of Canada.
“Impossible not to laugh” Library Digest
“Hot and hilarious!” Midwest Book Review