Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Has Arrived

And how wonderful to be able to open windows!   As I sit at my desk with my first coffee of the day and Body Perfect open to update our latest revisions, I can enjoy hearing robins, and children’s voices.  Sounds carry more clearly while trees are still leafless.  They may be bare for now, but outside my window I see branch tips bursting with buds.  Squirrels are trafficking up and down the trunks with treasures, or playing tag with each other.   We are promised a high of about 14c (58f) and that’s my kind of spring temperature.

The sky is cloudy, but enough sun is on hand to have the cats seeking out those sunny spots for snoozing. I think I can safely have my snow tires removed now!

A busy week at work, especially for Pam. Once again she pulled together an event for the centre to  enjoy. The focus was on World Health Day; we had displays from Canadian Mental Health, The Heart & Stroke Foundation, and the Canadian Hearing Society.  As well, some healthy snack alternatives were displayed, along with some demonstrations of yoga and hula-hooping. 

Its not quite noon, and I’ve managed to get some chores out of the way and am ready to get down to revision work.  Its peaceful and there is a gentle breeze drifting through my window – I’d better get to work or I’ll be dozing off instead.

Hope your weekend goes well and that the weather suits you wherever you are.


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